Transforming Waste Into Energy

Government Applications

Discover how SET is revolutionizing waste management by turning everyday waste into clean, valuable energy. Learn more about the innovative technologies that are helping businesses reduce costs, lower emissions, and unlock new energy opportunities. Ready to dive in? Read more below for all the details.

Transforming Waste into Clean Energy

Revolutionizing Waste Management with Smart Gasification

Discover how SET’s innovative technology converts municipal solid waste into clean, reliable energy, reducing landfill use and powering public infrastructure.

Our Mission

At SET, we are dedicated to revolutionizing waste management through our patented sandwich gasification technology. Our mission is to turn waste into a valuable resource, providing clean energy solutions that reduce environmental impact and promote sustainability. By converting waste into syngas, we help communities achieve zero waste goals, lower greenhouse gas emissions, and create a sustainable energy loop.

Key Features

Efficient Waste Conversion

Our Smart Gasifier technology efficiently converts municipal solid waste into clean syngas, minimizing landfill use and environmental impact.

Cost Savings

By turning waste into energy, local governments can significantly reduce waste management costs and generate savings on energy expenditures.

Sustainable Energy Production

Our technology produces clean energy that can power public infrastructure, including streetlights, public buildings, and municipal vehicle fleets.

Environmental Impact

Implementing our Smart Gasifier helps reduce greenhouse gas emissions and supports cities in achieving their zero waste and sustainability goals.

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How the Smart Gasifier Works

Step 1

Step 1: Waste Collection – Municipal solid waste is gathered from various sources, including households, businesses, and public spaces.

Step 2

Step 2: Pre-Treatment – The collected waste undergoes a sorting and shredding process to remove non-combustible materials and reduce particle size.

Step 3

Step 3: Gasification – The prepared waste is fed into the Smart Gasifier, where it is heated in a low-oxygen environment, converting it into syngas.
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Transform Waste into Clean Energy Today

Discover how your community can turn waste challenges into sustainable energy solutions.

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