Transforming Waste Into Energy

Turning Landfills Into a Profit Center

Discover how SET is revolutionizing waste management by turning everyday waste into clean, valuable energy. Learn more about the innovative technologies that are helping businesses reduce costs, lower emissions, and unlock new energy opportunities. Ready to dive in? Read more below for all the details.

The Future of Waste: How Landfills Can Be Transformed Into Green Energy Gold Mines

Landfills are a critical component of our waste management infrastructure, but they come with considerable environmental and economic costs. As waste continues to pile up, the world faces significant challenges: greenhouse gas emissions, ground and water pollution, and a loss of valuable land that could be used for other purposes. However, innovative technology is now offering a way to repurpose landfill waste, reduce harmful emissions, and create a new source of clean energy. SET’s Smart Gasifier technology offers landfills a transformative solution, not only addressing the negative impacts of traditional landfilling but also turning a long-standing waste issue into a valuable energy asset.

The Challenges of Traditional Landfills

Landfills have long been the end-of-life solution for much of our waste, but the repercussions of this approach are becoming increasingly evident. Here are some of the primary challenges associated with traditional landfills:

  1. Greenhouse Gas Emissions: As waste decomposes, it releases methane—a greenhouse gas up to 28 times more potent than carbon dioxide. According to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), landfills are the third-largest source of methane emissions in the United States, contributing significantly to global warming.
  2. Water and Soil Contamination: Leachate, the liquid that results from rainwater seeping through landfill waste, can contaminate groundwater supplies and surrounding soil. Even with modern lining systems, there’s always a risk of leakage, which poses long-term environmental health hazards.
  3. Wasted Resources: Landfills are, quite literally, filled with untapped resources. From metals to organics, valuable materials are often left to degrade, instead of being recovered and utilized. This is a missed opportunity not only in terms of economic value but also for creating renewable energy.
  4. Limited Land Availability: The availability of land for new or expanding landfills is a growing concern. With urban expansion and population growth, suitable locations for landfills are dwindling, while the existing ones are nearing capacity, leading to increased disposal costs.

How SET’s Smart Gasifier Can Transform Landfill Operations

SET’s Smart Gasifier technology offers a groundbreaking alternative, leveraging existing landfill waste and transforming it into clean, valuable syngas energy. Here’s how our solution addresses each of the key challenges associated with traditional landfills:

1. Methane Reduction Through Waste Conversion

Landfills are often seen as unavoidable methane producers due to the decomposition of organic matter. However, SET’s Smart Gasifier can intercept this waste before it decomposes and turn it into syngas, significantly reducing the emission of methane. Our technology uses advanced gasification to convert mixed waste streams—including plastics, organic matter, and industrial by-products—into a clean, versatile gaseous fuel known as syngas.

Unlike anaerobic decomposition in landfills that releases methane, our controlled gasification process captures the energy potential of the waste without harmful emissions. This reduces greenhouse gases and mitigates the landfill’s contribution to climate change.


In California, landfills are estimated to contribute over 20% of the state’s methane emissions. Implementing SET’s gasifier at landfill sites could reduce these emissions drastically while generating renewable energy that could be fed back into the local grid to power surrounding communities.

2. Leachate Elimination and Site Clean-Up

Leachate contamination is one of the major environmental risks posed by landfills. By gasifying waste that would otherwise sit and decay in landfills, SET’s Smart Gasifier eliminates the risk of harmful leachate production. Waste materials that could leach toxins into groundwater—such as organic waste or certain industrial by-products—can instead be transformed into clean energy.

Furthermore, our technology offers an opportunity to reclaim contaminated sites. By deploying SET’s gasifier to existing landfills, operators can process older waste materials, drastically reducing the volume of waste and potentially allowing the site to be reclaimed for other uses, such as green spaces or renewable energy installations.


In the European Union, some older landfills are being mined to extract recyclable materials and reclaim land. SET’s gasifier can take this a step further by converting non-recyclable waste into energy, thereby completely transforming old landfill sites into productive assets.

3. Waste-to-Energy: Turning a Liability into an Asset

The waste in landfills is more than just an environmental burden—it’s a potential energy source. SET’s Smart Gasifier allows landfill operators to turn waste into a revenue-generating opportunity. Our gasifier converts landfill waste into syngas, which can be used to generate electricity, renewable natural gas, or even advanced fuels like green hydrogen and sustainable aviation fuel.

This transformation not only helps reduce the volume of landfill waste by over 90%, but it also provides a consistent source of clean energy that can be used on-site or sold to the local grid. This effectively turns the landfill from a long-term liability into an energy-generating asset, creating a new revenue stream while solving a significant waste management issue.


Consider a mid-sized city with a growing landfill. Instead of continuing to expand the landfill and deal with rising costs, the city could implement SET’s Smart Gasifier to convert its waste into energy, reducing landfill volume and generating electricity for municipal use—potentially lowering energy costs for public infrastructure like schools and hospitals.

4. Efficient Utilization of Available Space

Landfills are inherently space-constrained, especially in urban areas. SET’s Smart Gasifier has a small installed footprint and is modular, allowing for easy integration into existing landfill operations without taking up valuable space. This means landfills can deploy the technology to handle incoming waste without the need for large-scale construction or expansion projects.

Additionally, our modular technology can be scaled up or down depending on the waste volume, offering flexibility to handle fluctuating waste inflows efficiently. The deployment of SET’s gasifier can be adapted to the specific needs of the landfill, making it an ideal solution for both large regional facilities and smaller municipal landfills.


A densely populated metropolitan area facing landfill space shortages can install SET’s modular gasifier units, enabling them to process waste on-site without needing to acquire more land. This setup would help extend the landfill’s life while generating energy to support the city’s growing demand.

Why SET’s Smart Gasifier is the Right Solution for Landfills

SET’s Smart Gasifier technology provides a comprehensive solution to the traditional problems faced by landfill operations. By capturing valuable energy from waste, reducing methane emissions, and eliminating leachate production, we can transform landfills from a necessary but problematic waste solution into a key part of a sustainable energy strategy.

Our system is more than just an energy solution—it is a tool for landfill operators to reduce environmental liabilities, generate new revenue streams, and contribute to a cleaner, more resilient future. As governments, municipalities, and private stakeholders increasingly seek sustainable waste management solutions, SET’s Smart Gasifier offers the scalability, efficiency, and adaptability needed to meet these evolving needs.

Conclusion: A New Future for Landfills

Landfills have long been the final stop for society’s waste, contributing to a host of environmental challenges, from methane emissions to contaminated groundwater. SET’s Smart Gasifier technology offers a different path—one where landfills become not just a place for disposal but a source of clean, renewable energy. By reducing harmful emissions, eliminating environmental hazards, and unlocking the energy potential hidden within waste, SET is helping landfill operators transition from outdated practices to a new era of sustainable waste management.

The future of landfills is not about filling more land—it’s about unlocking the value of what’s already there. With SET’s Smart Gasifier, we can turn today’s waste into tomorrow’s energy, creating a cleaner, healthier, and more sustainable world for future generations.

Ready to see how your landfill can become a source of clean energy? Contact us today to learn more about SET’s innovative gasification solutions.

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